The Latin American (LATAM) region has rapidly emerged as an enticing frontier in the global iGaming market. Its immense potential, unique characteristics, and dynamic nature make it a rich opportunity for operators and providers looking to expand their horizons.

In a recent webinar moderated by Anna McChesney, Senior Marketing Manager for Continent 8 Technologies, Gabriel Szlaifsztein, Regional Sales Director for LATAM (Continent 8) and Marcelo Blanco, CTO at Vibra Gaming (a Continent 8 customer), explored what the opportunity is for operators and suppliers in the region and how to develop a strategy for growth across this emerging market.

They also addressed the current and future regulatory landscape, the importance of cybersecurity, cultural nuances, infrastructure requirements and the influence of socioeconomic factors affecting player habits. Marcelo provided deeper insight into the key challenges and opportunities when setting up regional operations through his customer case study and talked enthusiastically about how “opportunity beckons.”

Emerging Market Potential

The LATAM region is often hailed as one of the most promising emerging markets in the iGaming sector. Its vast, untapped population of over 670 million, the proliferation of mobile devices, and an increasing appetite for online entertainment create a perfect storm for growth. The region is ripe for innovation and investment, attracting global players who recognize the potential of this exciting market.

Regulatory Landscape

The regulatory landscape in LATAM varies significantly from one country to another. Some countries have embraced iGaming and enacted favourable legislation, while others are still navigating the complexities of regulation. It’s imperative for operators and providers to closely monitor and adapt to the evolving legal framework in each jurisdiction they operate in. In our webinar, Gabriel explains the growing acceptance and adoption of regulation and provides a detailed, country-by-country overview of gambling activity and licensing requirements across the region.

Cultural Diversity

LATAM is a tapestry of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions. Understanding the cultural nuances of each nation is pivotal for iGaming success. Tailoring strategies and customising offerings to resonate with local markets in each country, from content and marketing to user experience, is a key consideration in the region. The flexibility required to create a “unique look and feel” for different products is crucial.

“There is a huge diversity of devices and connectivity across Latin America. We need to provide different content for different markets in order to provide the right solution. Each audience has a particular taste, and we must accommodate that.” – Marcelo Blanco, CTO, Vibra Gaming.

Sports Betting Popularity

Sports hold a special place in the hearts of many LATAM residents. Football, in particular, reigns supreme, and sports betting enjoys immense popularity. Boxing, basketball and baseball also attract a lot of interest. There has been an explosion in online gaming and sports betting in the LATAM region, which has risen sharply since the pandemic. There were 383 million registered mobile internet users in 2022, with the highest numbers in Brazil and Mexico. The intertwining of sports betting and iGaming presents a unique opportunity for providers to engage a passionate audience.

Technological Advancements and Cybersecurity

As the LATAM iGaming market evolves, embracing technological advancements becomes vital. Infrastructure and cybersecurity take centre stage to protect sensitive data, ensure fair play, and maintain uninterrupted services. There are 135 data centres across the region, all very well distributed. Continent 8 has established certified operations in Colombia, as well as Peru and Puerto Rico.

“The right data centre for operations in LATAM is a combination of technical capacity, latency and regulatory aspects in the target market.”Gabriel Szlaifsztein, Regional Sales Director (LATAM), Continent 8.

Cyber threats are on the rise. According to a recent cybersecurity report by Fortinet, there were 137 billion registered cyber attack attempts in Latin America during the first half of 2022, the main attack vectors being ransomware and DDoS. Mexico saw the highest number of cyber attacks, followed by Brazil and Columbia. This makes the role of cybersecurity paramount for the industry’s integrity and a critical investment for operators and suppliers.

Local Partnerships

Local partnerships and collaborations are crucial to navigating the intricacies of the LATAM iGaming sector. Understanding local business practices, forming solid relationships with local entities, and complying with regulatory requirements are integral to long-term success. Marcelo talks about the importance of being prepared and describes how having a strong partner in Continent 8 was critical to Vibra Gaming’s journey when setting up infrastructure in regulated markets.

The LATAM iGaming market is a treasure chest of opportunity for operators and providers with the vision to tap into its potential. While navigating the complexities of regulation, understanding cultural diversity, and embracing technological advancements, industry players can position themselves to thrive in this dynamic and evolving landscape.

In the final part of the webinar, Gabriel and Marcelo discussed their predictions for the industry and the region for the next 5 years. These included greater coverage for regulated markets, a level-up in disruptive and emerging technologies and the development of a new breed of players as the market matures.

Interested in learning more about developing a strategy for growth in the LATAM region? Contact Continent 8 today and book your free 1-hour consultation with our experts.

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks threaten data integrity of numerous companies worldwide. Unlike a DoS attack, which originates from a single location, DDoS attacks occur from multiple locations simultaneously, making securing data potentially more complicated.

Understanding the mechanism of DDoS attacks and what an enterprise must do to safeguard its data against them is critical. Here Craig Lusher, Senior Product Specialist – Secure, discusses where DDoS attacks originate and why it is important to deploy thorough prevention strategies.

How do DDoS attacks work?

DDoS attacks involve hackers flooding a network or server with fake traffic. They overwhelm the system, disrupting genuine user requests and causing the server to crash. During a DDoS attack, your website will be bombarded with requests from various sources for an extended duration.

These requests are not a result of a sudden increase in legitimate visitors. Instead, they are automated and originate from a limited number of sources, the quantity of which depends on the attack’s size.

DDoS attacks can come from competitors or other entities that intend to disrupt access to website’s content. Either way, it poses significant risks to the company’s integrity.

For instance, research conducted in 2022 revealed a 74 percent increase in DDoS attacks, causing disruptions and financial losses. Most of these attacks targeted the fintech industry, accounting for 34 percent of these attacks and experiencing a twelvefold rise in attack traffic. Experts also predicted that the number of DDoS attacks would double, going from 7.9 million in 2018 to over 15 million by 2023.

Moreover, DDoS attacks can have widespread consequences beyond individual data breaches. They can disrupt entire networks, affecting critical services and the availability of websites and online platforms. For businesses, these attacks can lead to significant financial losses, harm their reputation, and diminish customer trust.

Strategies to prevent DDoS attacks

Seeing how significant the impact of DDoS attacks is, use the following strategies to shield your server from these threats.

Increase bandwidth

To strengthen your hosting against DDoS attacks, you need sufficient bandwidth to manage traffic spikes caused by cyber attacks. Increasing bandwidth makes it harder for attackers to execute successful DDoS attacks. However, this won’t be enough to protect your website thoroughly. It would be best to combine it with other mitigation tactics for comprehensive cyber security.

Prepare for DDoS attacks in advance

Anticipating a cyber attack in advance is essential for a proactive security architecture, enabling a quick response to potential threats before they can harm your website. An effective security plan includes identifying your response team, prioritizing critical functions, and establishing communication with your Internet Service Provider, which can help stop the attack.

Identify normal traffic

When you notice a sudden increase in traffic to a host, you can use ‘rate limiting’ to manage the incoming traffic at a level the host can handle without causing disruptions. Advanced security goes further by checking each packet to see if it’s valid. If you want to do this effectively, you must understand what normal, legitimate traffic for the target looks like and then compare each packet to this standard. This will help you identify any unusual patterns or potential threats.

Diversify security infrastructure

To protect against DDoS attacks, your infrastructure should be robust. Instead of relying solely on firewalls, you can diversify your approach by distributing data centers across different networks, avoiding concentration in one location, placing servers in multiple data centers, and ensuring uninterrupted traffic flow without network bottlenecks.

Practice security policies

Make sure to follow strong security practices, like changing passwords regularly, using secure authentication, and avoiding phishing attacks. Reducing user errors within your organization enhances safety, even during an attack.

Implement black hole routing

Black hole routing is a method to stop DDoS attacks by discarding harmful traffic before it reaches the target. It works by directing traffic to a non-existent “black hole” interface, effectively blocking traffic from the source of the attack. Although it is a reactive measure, it reduces the impact of DDoS attacks.

Employ a Cloud-based solution

A cloud-based DDoS service like Continent 8 is essential for effective protection. The cloud offers more bandwidth than on-premises resources and distributes servers across different locations, enhancing security for many websites with limited resources.

Monitor and analyze logs

Log monitoring provides valuable insights into your web traffic, enabling real-time threat detection and a faster DDoS mitigation process. By analysing log traffic statistics, you can identify when significant traffic spikes occur and determine the servers affected by the attack. Log analysis can also save time by notifying you about unwanted events in advance, reducing the time and effort needed for troubleshooting.

Recognize signs of DDoS attacks

Your network may slow down unexpectedly, your website could shut down, and you might start receiving an influx of spam. Additional signs of a DDoS attack include slow performance, excessive traffic from a single source, frequent crashes, poor connectivity, and any other unusual patterns, like a sudden surge in traffic from a single IP address.

Use a Web Application Firewall

A web application firewall (WAF) protects against harmful traffic that targets application vulnerabilities. It watches for unusual traffic patterns, blocking malicious ones while allowing legitimate ones. When you position a WAF between your server and the internet, it acts like a shield, ensuring all traffic goes through it first.

Security providers like Continent 8 assist global enterprises in protecting their servers from these malicious attacks. Ensure that you are implementing the industry’s best practices and be adaptive to changes.

In today’s data-centric world, where information is both a currency and a vulnerability, dedicated servers have emerged as essential tools for corporations. These powerful hosting solutions offer a sanctuary where your data is protected, your applications run smoothly, and your digital operations remain under your control.

But here’s the catch — in a landscape rife with digital threats and potential breaches, relying on shared hosting or inadequate security measures can expose and vulnerable your valuable data. Dedicated servers, in essence, provide you with your private fortress within the digital realm. They ensure critical data and sensitive information are shielded from prying eyes, cyber threats, and unexpected downtime.

Whether you manage confidential financial records, legal documents, or high-value assets, dedicated servers are the ultimate guardians of your digital assets.

What are dedicated servers?

In hosting solutions, dedicated servers stand as a formidable choice. But what exactly are dedicated servers, and why are they highly regarded? Let’s begin by getting into the essence of dedicated hosting.

Defining dedicated servers

Dedicated servers are robust physical machines exclusively dedicated to a single user or organisation. This exclusivity ensures unadulterated access to all server resources, providing consistent and high-performance hosting.

Their unique advantage over cloud servers

Unlike cloud servers, which share resources among multiple users through virtualisation, dedicated servers offer dedicated hardware resources. This makes them ideal for resource-intensive applications and operations that require data-sensitive handling.

Why opt for dedicated server hosting?

As the demands on hosting services grow, dedicated servers have emerged as the powerhouse of hosting solutions. But what makes them the top choice for many discerning users? Let’s delve into the compelling reasons to opt for dedicated server hosting.

Unmatched performance

Dedicated servers deliver unparalleled performance by avoiding resource-sharing. They handle resource-intensive tasks such as running complex applications, hosting large databases, or managing high-traffic websites with ease.

Impeccable security

Security is paramount for businesses because it safeguards sensitive data, ensures regulatory compliance, protects reputation, maintains business continuity, and enhances competitive advantage. Dedicated servers play a pivotal role in achieving these aims by enabling robust security configurations and empowering stringent protective measures.

Total control and customisation

Dedicated server hosting provides complete control over server settings, software installations, and updates. This level of customisation is invaluable for clients with specific hosting requirements and preferences.

What is the role of data centres in dedicated hosting?

Data centers are vital for dedicated servers’ performance and reliability. Uncover why data centers are central to dedicated hosting.

Understanding data centers’ significance

Data centers are fortified facilities purpose-built to house and manage dedicated servers. They create a controlled environment with redundant power, cooling, and security measures, ensuring consistent server uptime and safeguarding precious data.

Ensuring data center excellence

When choosing a dedicated hosting provider, it’s imperative to evaluate the quality of their data center facilities. The uptime, redundancy, and physical security measures guarantee uninterrupted service and data protection.

Demystifying managed dedicated hosting

Managed dedicated hosting simplifies the complexities of server management. To learn more about its benefits, here is the key information on managed hosting services.

The essence of managed hosting services

Managed dedicated hosting takes the burden of server management off your shoulders. Hosting providers handle server monitoring, security updates, software installations, and troubleshooting tasks, freeing clients to focus on their core activities.

Leveraging the benefits of managed hosting

Managed dedicated hosting is particularly advantageous for those who seek a seamless hosting experience. It ensures server optimization, security, and reliability without requiring in-house IT expertise — a boon for businesses.

How to choose the right dedicated hosting provider

Selecting the ideal dedicated hosting provider is a critical decision that shapes your hosting journey. Your provider becomes your trusted companion, and this section will guide you in making the right choice.

Critical considerations for provider selection

When choosing a dedicated hosting provider, evaluate server specifications, bandwidth options, scalability, and pricing. Additionally, scrutinise the provider’s reputation, track record, and the quality of their customer support.

Decoding service level agreements (SLAs)

Pay close attention to the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) offered by hosting providers. These agreements define the level of service, uptime guarantees, and support response times. Ensure that the SLA aligns with your expectations and business requirements.

Colocation: Bridging ownership and security

Colocation services offer the unique synergy of server ownership and data center security. Let’s explore this strategic approach to hosting.

Colocation services unveiled

Colocation involves clients owning their dedicated servers while housing them in a data center provided by a hosting company. This option combines the benefits of dedicated servers with the reliability and security of professional data center facilities.

When colocation fits the bill

Colocation is an optimal choice when you have existing server hardware-specific hardware configurations in mind or when you require a secure, controlled environment for your data storage needs.

Dedicated servers are a robust and dependable hosting solution tailor-made for corporates. With unparalleled performance, security, and customisation, they form the bedrock for managing critical data and applications. Augmenting dedicated servers with managed hosting services and placing them within reputable data centers elevates them to the pinnacle of hosting choices, ensuring peace of mind and optimal performance for the most exacting clients.

When selecting your dedicated hosting provider, like Continent 8, navigate these waters with care, focusing on your unique requirements and objectives to discover the perfect fit.

Justin Cosnett, Chief Product Officer, discusses how to select the right cloud service and security measures for your business.

The cloud is a network of servers that provides resources like data storage and computing power for users. It has become a main staple for businesses that aim to scale up. While the cloud offers various advantages to enterprises, some challenges make this infrastructure difficult to implement.

First, a business must choose between public and private cloud infrastructure. Not all companies can afford a customized cloud computing system, but there is no denying that the private infrastructure offers various advantages.

Security issues related to the cloud have also become a concern for enterprises. Companies may risk their hard-earned reputation if they fail to choose the right cloud hosting service or implement the best security methods.

Public vs. Private Cloud

As the name suggests, public cloud refers to the cloud infrastructure multiple entities use to keep their data. It does not mean that tenants’ data are mixed up, though. The service provider isolates each tenant’s data.

Meanwhile, the private infrastructure is designated for one tenant. Because of that, the user has the freedom to customize the infrastructure to their liking. It ensures that the solutions provided by the cloud system match what the company needs.

Having a designated cloud infrastructure also helps with scalability. Since the cloud system is only used by one company, there is no risk of capacity contention. When the company plans to scale its cloud infrastructure, it only needs to add bare metal servers and configure these new servers. Private cloud also offers enhanced safety, as companies can access their data and applications via private network links.

Although private cloud sounds like an ideal system for a company, there are situations where public cloud may be the better option. Public cloud can help companies handle less sensitive data they do not need to access frequently. The multi-tenant system also suits companies that are still growing and deal with less complex data. It is the more economical choice for companies than the private system.

Security measures to protect cloud

Security challenges to a cloud infrastructure are continuously changing. There are increased external attacks, dynamic workloads, highly automated DevOps culture, and cloud compliance. The following are the best security practices to overcome those challenges.

Policy-based, granular IAM

Implementing a granular identity and access management (IAM) is critical in ensuring the security of a cloud system. More than that, everyone within the organization must stick to the protocol. Instead of implementing the protocol based on individuals, experts suggest basing it on groups and roles.

A cloud system should use the zero-trust approach in its IAM practice. It means the system should not automatically trust any entity within or outside the network and verify everything. Based on this approach, each role should only be given access to the resources it needs to perform its tasks.

Safe data backup and recovery plan

Many organizations use the cloud to backup data from their own servers. It makes them sometimes overlook the need to back up the cloud system. Note that cloud servers are not 100 percent secure from internal and external threats.

The cloud security system must employ a safe data backup and recovery plan in emergencies. This protective measure will ensure that the organization can still run even if its key data server is down.

Proactive monitoring

Monitoring the system actively is necessary to detect issues before they spread out. Ideally, the administrator employs vulnerability scanners, public threat intelligence feeds, and other anomaly detection tools to ensure the cloud system is safe.

Alerts should happen in real-time to ensure administrators can immediately fix the issue. Besides proactive monitoring, the system must have response policies for various threats so that administrators can resolve problems promptly.

Implementing data encryption and firewall

Data encryption is vital for organizations that store their data in the cloud system. Encryption ensures that only authorized individuals can access the organization’s sensitive data. It transforms the data into a code that only people with authorized access can decode.

Cloud security systems also use web application firewalls to safeguard applications within the network, particularly cloud native distributed applications. This makes it easier for the system administrator to monitor traffic from and to web app servers.

Human resource training

Cloud is a highly intelligent system that is automatically updated to enhance security. However, this data solution is used by humans, so the system is not safe from potential errors. An interesting study by Stanford University even reveals that more than 80 percent of data breaches are caused by human error.

Companies must train their employees to recognize cybersecurity risks like phishing and malware. They must also learn how to access the company’s cloud server safely. These employees must be trained to notify the IT department immediately if they suspect foul play.

Cloud service providers have their own security measures. However, some companies may opt to work with security services like Continent 8 to further enhance their data protection.

Continent 8 (C8) has recently added 5 new co-location sites to its US footprint in addition to existing sites in-state (live overall in 29 US states and growing). C8 connects all of these sites to its global MPLS backbone and blended local and international internet peering, deploying regulated or community public cloud and backup

In this article, Justin Cosnett, Chief Product Officer at Continent 8, will demonstrate how C8 is deploying these infrastructure assets as building blocks to enable a sportsbook or iGaming operator to deliver RESILIENCE and meet regulatory requirements for disaster recovery, business continuity and backup.

Why resilience?

It may seem obvious, but there are countless examples of where businesses have failed to implement resilience to secure business continuity by design from the outset, such as:

“getting live is the priority for our resources, we can sort resilience later”
“we can spend on resilience when we have achieved ROI for live”
“we use an N+1 infrastructure provider, we don’t need to add to that”
“the Internet is resilient by virtue of its distributed topology”

Therefore, it’s worth stating why resilience by design is in fact extremely important, especially for online operators in the gambling industry:

Resilience terminology

To get through the terminology quickly, and specifically for iGaming and sportsbook and the online technology utilised in the businesses, some resilient terminology:

For iGaming and sportsbook B2B or B2C operators, this applies to online “production” infrastructure to continue to service bet taking and completion. In this highly regulated environment, there can be infrastructure requirements which operators must adhere to in the specific jurisdiction in which they are operating.

NOTE: this can make physical segregation in distance difficult as the jurisdictions may be small or have limited options in smaller states, provinces, or countries.

Backup of data is usually a regulatory requirement as well as a component of a disaster recovery plan – irrespective of whether there is a regulated data safe component.  Operators will be unlikely to be able to restore services or transaction history from a regulator operated data safe. Business Continuity may be assured through a resilient infrastructure architecture, or delivered via a disaster recovery plan, but may not meet the same regulatory backup requirement(s). Backups can often have two uses, for recovery in case of incident (RPO) and use for regulatory requirement (number of years to maintain data records).

Resilience by design

To maintain business continuity, a resilient infrastructure may be planned and executed which enables protection from single point of failure such as site loss, and this could be a dual hosted active-active implementation whereby customers are serviced live, and some sort of data integrity is ensured, usually at the database software level…

Similarly, great backup capability, even stored off-site with contracted fast retrieval, may meet regulatory requirements or protection against data corruption or cyber event…

Other considerations – cyber?

With online businesses, especially iGaming, being targets for cyber attacks, disaster recovery and business continuity plans must consider prevention of the event as well as recovery in case of event.

From Ransomware to DDoS, to data exfiltration (or a combination), these can be business impacting events causing complete inability to continue. The use of encryption and backup corruption in an attack can hamper recovery capability or access to data, and are often deliberately targeting these areas to be successful.

Security services such as an MSOC (Managed Security Operations Center) inclusive SIEM (Security Incident and Event Management) platform, can help companies to benefit from expertise and scale to prevent, detect or remediate vulnerabilities and threats. These can be internal (unmanaged) resources dedicated to the business, usually in large enterprises, or managed as an outsourced delivery (Managed Security Services provider or MSSP). Via C8 Secure, Continent 8 offers these capabilities to our customers, along with private connectivity for data transport and access.

Solid security and cyber protection of backup and secondary infrastructure is necessary to separate and limit an attacker’s ability to prevent recovery. Additionally, the use of MSOC, SIEM and backup technologies to scan backup data for potential vulnerabilities or infiltration.

How can we help?

We provide many of the building blocks or “as-a-service” capabilities necessary for operators and suppliers to create resilience and backup necessary, suitable to business requirements. There is no one size fits all, sometimes C8 is already providing a resilient service which can be consumed “as-is” and provides assurance, as surmised below.

Want to learn more about C8’s services? Get in touch via

The Continent 8 team will be at SBC Summit Latinoamérica, the premier iGaming and sports betting event for the LATAM market.

Meet us at Stand A62 to discuss our award-winning global managed hosting, connectivity and security solutions, tailored for the iGaming market.

With the industry’s largest private network, connecting 100+ locations globally, we are the trusted infrastructure provider of choice to the iGaming industry.

Our Latin American presence began in 2020 with the launch of our solutions including Public Cloud in Colombia. Since, we have launched our full services in Peru and Puerto Rico, with Argentina and Brazil to follow. We have a proven track record of supporting businesses in new markets and we see Latin America as a strategic market both for ourselves and our customers.

Get in touch via or the form below to set up a meeting.

At Continent 8 Technologies, we use marketing automation to ensure that we engage potential customers with the right messaging at the right time, via the platforms where their attention can be found. Menaka Raghuvanshi is a Marketing Automation Manager at Continent 8, and for this edition of Cultiv8, Jordan Holmes, our HR Manager, sat down with her to learn more about the role automation plays in our marketing activity, what attracted her to Continent 8 and what her day to day duties include.

MenakaWhat actually is marketing automation and what role does it play within Continent 8?

Marketing automation is the use of software and technology to automate and streamline marketing tasks and processes, and to run integrated campaigns. The primary role it plays within Continent 8 is to improve efficiency, increase productivity and enhance the overall effectiveness of our marketing efforts. As the industry continues to grow, we want to be able to engage more operators and suppliers and make them aware of the products and solutions that we provide across iGaming managed hosting, connectivity, cloud and security. By automating our marketing activity, we can be highly targeted with our communication and ensure the right message is sent to the right potential customer at the right time.

As Marketing Automation Manager, what does your day-to-day role include? 

My typical day involves campaign planning which takes in data analysis, data segmentation, content development, email marketing, landing page creation, CRM integration, troubleshooting the flow of data between systems and measuring the effectiveness of campaigns. Data is the foundation of our marketing activity, especially when it comes to automating campaigns. It allows us to test and learn and ultimately improve our messaging to ensure that it connects with the target audience and engages, educates and entertains. It’s a comprehensive role that sits within the wider marketing team and I am always excited to start each day and take on the tasks in front of me.

What attracted you to Continent 8? What do you enjoy most about your job?

Continent 8 operates in the global online gambling industry and this was a space that I had not worked in before. This made it intriguing and interesting to me. As I learned more about the company, I could see that it was hugely successful but with plenty of growth opportunities in front of it. I also really bought into the vision of the founder and the management team and felt like the culture aligned perfectly with my values. In terms of what I enjoy most about my job, it’s the variety of the role and that I learn something new every day. This keeps me motivated and allows me to grow. I also like working with a diverse team across the globe – it’s inspiring to work with such talented colleagues and also broadens my perspective.

How do you effectively use marketing automation tools to streamline campaign processes and improve overall efficiency? 

Our utilisation of marketing automation starts with audience segmentation and then takes in the development of precise content strategies and automation of workflows for tailored customer experiences. We employ scoring models, such as lead scoring along with CRM integration, to enhance lead management while closely monitoring campaign performance through analytics. Of course, all of this is done with strict adherence to data protection regulations. Ultimately, automation allows us to put segmentation, data and analysis at the heart of all marketing activity to ensure that it’s working and delivering the return on investment that we are seeking.

How do you measure the success of marketing campaigns using automation? Which key metrics do you focus on?

The metrics we use to determine the success of a campaign vary for each campaign and the goals that we have set. That being said, there are some common metrics we use for most campaigns including open rate, conversion rate, click-through rate and the return on investment. The more campaigns we run, the more data we generate and with the right analysis and use of automation tools, we have seen a meaningful increase in these metrics over recent months.

What steps do you take to ensure that automated campaigns are delivered at the right time and through the appropriate channels? 

It all starts with segmenting your audience so that you know who you are talking to, the messaging they need to receive and how and when that messaging is delivered. From here, it’s then about mapping the customer journey and creating tailored content for different stages and channels. We also use automation workflows to trigger messages at key points and schedule delivery times so that people receive communications at the times when they are most likely to engage with them.

How do you stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in marketing automation to continuously optimise and innovate campaigns? 

To stay abreast of the latest trends in marketing automation, I engage with industry-specific online resources, blogs and websites that provide up-to-date articles, case studies and whitepapers. I also participate in webinars and podcasts hosted by industry experts and attend conferences and seminars to gain insights from peers and workshops. I am also a part of multiple marketing automation groups on LinkedIn, which are great places for sharing new ideas and insights.

In your opinion, what are the most important skills and qualities required for a Marketing Automation Manager to be successful in their role? 

One of the most important skills is understanding how to use marketing automation platforms. A good manager must also be up to speed on data analytics and have the ability to work with HTML/CSS and integrate systems seamlessly. Strong project management skills, including organisation and time management, are important, too. I also think the person needs to be passionate about marketing and love working with data, so being both creative and analytical.

How do you collaborate with other departments, such as sales or content teams, to align marketing automation efforts with overall business objectives?

We establish clear communication channels and hold regular meetings with internal stakeholders to share insights, objectives and strategies. We also work closely with the sales team to understand their needs for lead qualification, nurturing and conversion. This collaborative approach ensures that all marketing activity ultimately delivers quality leads for the sales team to take on and convert into new customers.

Want to work for Continent 8, the iGaming hosting and cybersecurity partner? View our latest vacancies here

Regulatory and compliance expert brings a wealth of experience to leading global technology solutions provider as Director of Regulatory Affairs

Continent 8 Technologies, an award-winning provider of managed hosting, connectivity, cloud and security solutions, welcomes one of the gaming sector’s most skilled regulatory and compliance specialists to its team.

Jeremie Kanter has joined Continent 8 as Director of Regulatory Affairs and will oversee its new C8 Comply division. Jeremie will be responsible for leading Continent 8’s new advisory practice, supporting customers as they navigate the continuously evolving global online sports betting and gambling regulatory landscape.

This appointment comes at an important time as Continent 8 continues its global expansion to new regulated markets across the globe, coupled with the launch of numerous new solutions including regulated cloud environments, critical cybersecurity solutions and more. Continent 8 will be able to leverage this unrivalled knowledge to strengthen its position as the go-to infrastructure provider of choice for operators and suppliers targeting regulated markets right around the globe.

Jeremie brings a wealth of experience to his role, having held senior management and consulting positions at some of the biggest companies in the industry including William Hill, PokerStars, SBTech, Playtech, Stations Casino and more.

Michael Tobin, Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Continent 8 Technologies, said: “Jeremie is one of the most experienced and skilled regulatory and compliance specialists in the industry, and this makes him an incredibly valuable asset to Continent 8. I’m very pleased to welcome him to our team.

“Regulation and compliance are the foundation of Continent 8’s business and bringing Jeremie on board as we continue to grow aggressively across regulated markets will be fundamental to our success in these jurisdictions, as well as those where we currently support our customers.”

Jeremie Kanter, Director of Regulatory Affairs at Continent 8 Technologies, added: “Continent 8 is one of the most established and reputable companies in the sector and has been supporting its customers in regulated markets for 25 years now.

“I know the team well and I am excited to be joining such a reputed company, and looking forward to leveraging my industry experience and skillset to help Continent 8 achieve its ambitious goals.”

At the beginning of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, data hosting and security specialist Continent 8 Technologies issues a wake-up call to the online and land-based gaming sectors

Global technology and data solutions company Continent 8 Technologies, a provider of specialised infrastructure and cybersecurity services to the world’s biggest betting and gaming companies, says that the industry is facing an unprecedented threat from a rising tide of cyber attacks.

The stark warning comes at the start of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, which marks its 20th year in October 2023, and as the global land-based and online industry once again gathers in Nevada for the annual G2E Las Vegas exhibition and conference.

Founded in 1998 and celebrating 25 years of business in 2023, Continent 8 has 100 data centre locations across four continents, delivering a wide range of technology infrastructure and connectivity solutions to the biggest organisations in the industry, via a single interconnected network.

Michael Tobin, Founder and CEO of Continent 8 Technologies, said: “In the 25 years since Continent 8 was founded, the threat to the data, infrastructure and digital security of companies in the betting and gaming industry has never been higher.

“The scale and sophistication of these attacks is increasing year on year, so it’s critically important that organisations take a multi-layered approach to cybersecurity, protecting themselves from the mix of complex threats facing businesses in today’s world. What’s also important is ensuring your business is compliant, meeting stringent regulatory requirements across different markets.”

Patrick Gardner, Managing Partner of C8 Secure, a Continent 8 company, added: “With the average cost of a data breach reaching well into millions, and the gaming industry being a prime target, it’s crucial now more than ever for companies to bolster their cybersecurity measures. Both the online and land-based sectors must remain vigilant and proactive, ensuring protection of their data and infrastructure against increasingly evolving threats.”

Continent 8 will be on stand #4235 at G2E Las Vegas, which takes place at The Venetian Expo from 9-12 October, marking the beginning of Cybersecurity Awareness Month with an event-wide campaign highlighting the rising threat against the global betting and gaming sector.

Set up a meeting with the team in Vegas here

With a population of over 670 million and a growing acceptance of regulation, opportunity beckons for iGaming in Latin America. Are you set to enter this promising market?

Watch the recording of the insightful webinar where Gabriel Szlaifsztein (Continent 8 Technologies) and Marcelo Blanco (Vibra Gaming) discussed the growing LATAM market and what operators should consider to develop a successful market entry strategy.

Hear first-hand from Vibra Gaming on their experience in successfully launching in the LATAM market.

To watch the recording visit here

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