Coronavirus (COVID-19) - continuity plans and situation update (March 17)

Continent 8 continues to monitor, respond and adapt to the rapidly changing global COVID-19 outbreak. As a further update to the previous guidance issued on Thursday 12th March a status and response update is below:-

Current status

  • All Continent 8 customer-facing data centres remain operating normally at this time
  • Due to the regional restrictions and guidance issued by Governments Continent 8 now has a large amount of our staff working remotely and that number will likely increase in the coming days. As a result of this there are no changes to service or service availability and all sites remain with on-site cover as applicable.
  • In terms of site access; due to the Government-imposed travel and people movement restrictions a small number of European sites are now not accessible in person at this time, affected customers have been contacted separately.
  • In addition, travel guidance in many countries now prohibits or restricts people movement, with mandatory quarantine in place in many locations. In all cases, full adherence to travel guidance in the location of origin and destination now applies, this is also restricting ability for customers to travel to our locations.
  • Our partners continue to implement a range of additional controls around health monitoring and access control. Per-site guidance, which is changing daily, is available by contacting
  • Remote hands services remain available at all sites.
  • Whilst no changes to service levels or response times have been communicated by co-location partners it can be expected that demand for remote hands will be higher in the coming days and weeks. We will of course monitor this and communicate any substantive change.
  • All staff, customers and partners must at all times follow the guidance issued by the WHO and local health authorities.

Planning considerations

  • Given the recent restrictions on people movement a working assumption can be made that in all sites we may become wholly reliant on availability of local hands and eyes services on the ground, or on call – either C8 or partner.
  • The level and availability of service available may become location dependent, largely dictated by the local staffing availability, people movement restrictions and ongoing infection situations.
  • It is feasible that in high-demand locations that break/fix activities may require to take priority over projects, new installations or new deployments.
  • It may also be that additional sites become inaccessible to visitors due to local or Governmental restrictions, or as a result of identified infection.
  • Whilst these scenarios remain low risk we will do everything possible to minimise any effect at this time they should be factored in as part of any planning activity currently underway.

We are continuing to monitor developments on a daily basis and will continue to update guidance as necessary.

Should you have any queries, please contact Continent 8 Support at:

Phone: Europe + 44 1624 694611 or North America + 1 514 461 5111


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