Connect reliably and securely to hyperscale clouds.

Cloud Exchange
Continent 8's Cloud Connect service is a specialised solution that provides a direct, private and secure connection between your infrastructure and leading cloud service providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure and Cloudflare.


  • Highly secure

    By establishing a private connection, you can bypass the security risks typically associated with internet VPNs. This service also includes monitoring features and availability and performance Service Level Agreement (SLA), allowing you to manage the connection as an integral part of your network. This level of control and security provides peace of mind and ensures the integrity and performance of your data and operations.

  • Improved performance

    Cloud Connect will provide improved performance over public Internet connectivity.

Continent 8 are a key and strategic partner for FanDuel and the combination of Continent 8 Data Center services and Amazon Web Services has enabled FanDuel to focus on its mission of being absurdly fan-focused by delivering the best product in the industry.

Shane Sweeney VP of IT - FANDUEL
In addition to its partnerships with its customers, Continent 8 has also forged strong relationships with major cloud service providers. They have achieved Amazon Web Services (AWS) Advanced Tier Consulting Partner status, demonstrating their expertise and commitment to providing top-tier services. In 2021, they also achieved Microsoft Silver Partner status as part of the Microsoft Partnership Network program, further solidifying their position as a reliable and trusted partner in the cloud services sector.

Hyperscale Partners

  • Amazon Partner Network (AWS)

    We have achieved Amazon Web Services (AWS) Advanced Tier Consulting Partner status.

  • Microsoft Partner Network

    In 2021 we achieved Microsoft Silver Partner status as part of the Microsoft Partnership Network programme.

Cloud Exchange

To discover more about our Cloud solutions, simply fill out this form.

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